By Deborah Bell
(Lead Apostle DGAN Global Network and DGFC churches)
A person (a great man of God) did a post earlier which reminded me of something I’ve been meaning to say since seeing some things on Facebook and elsewhere recently.
We dishonour God, the House of God, and the people of God, when we try to ‘fit’ into an
Office to which we are not called, and even worse when we are not called to one of the
Fivefold Offices to start with.
We are ALL called to something, we must just make sure it’s the RIGHT thing, which is
God’s ‘thing’ for us. But not all are called to be in an Office.
This comes with experience, and being proven faithful in the little things, among other
It is determined by the LORD and confirmed by an overseeing Bishop/Lead Apostle or
Network or appointed Fivefold in that group. We don’t appoint people simply because
they are ‘loyal’. It may be a factor but it’s not the reason.
If a person is not an Apostle, please don’t call them one, unless you know that they have
been genuinely proved in their behaviour & lifestyle (integrity), and that they are called to
that Office or acknowledged as such by other legitimate Apostles, and their covering,
which must also be legitimate, having credibility. Or, that they have been ordained by
recognised Apostles, or close to being ordained into that Office, which would then be
acknowledged by longstanding saints of God.
The Word gives us clear indicators to follow concerning this. When we don’t adhere to
what the word teaches about what characteristics accompany an Office we nullify the
integrity of the purpose for an Office or ordination in the first place!
“In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness” (Titus 2:7 NIV)
The Office of Apostle is the highest Office (no matter what people want to say to play it
down), this is why it must be taken seriously, as it comes with increased spiritual warfare,
more responsibility and a much higher cost because of the very nature of this Office.
It is a foundational Office along with the Office of Prophet according to Eph 2:20, and with
it must come a seasoned person, who walks in integrity, who is firstly called to be an
Apostle /Prophet and fully understands what that means!
If you put the wrong shoes on, you cannot walk properly and eventually you will trip!
‘Wear’ the wrong Office or try to enter it prematurely, and you will do damage to yourself
and others in your care and you will trip and whoever is in your path will trip with you!
The other aspect of ‘putting on the wrong shoes’, or putting on shoes that are ‘too big to
wear yet’, is that it can often create wrong perceptions about this Office.
Why? Because we lower the standard the Word sets out for these Offices when we can’t
handle what they entail.
The word says we must walk blamelessly as Fivefold; it doesn’t say perfectly. So please
hear what I’m saying.
I’m seeing people today being called Apostles that are not! I’m seeing people start
‘Networks’ and offer licensing and ordaining, that are not even themselves ‘qualified’
(because I realise it’s a relative term), to do so!
I’m seeing ‘Prophets/Apostles’ that are not acknowledged under, or submitted to any
covering/Network, lead rebellions because they themselves have gotten into error
because they refuse to submit to any authority but their own.
We just cannot have this going on in the body of Christ. We cannot. There is a higher
standard for the Fivefold and it’s in the Word (1 Tim 3 & Tit 1 & 2).
The Word also says in James 3:1 that not many should want to be “teachers’ because we
will be judged more strictly.
This word ‘teachers’ is not referring to specifically the Office of teacher, but the general
Fivefold and ministering in an Office in the broadest sense of the ministry of the Fivefold
Some of this stuff on social media or the web, is often just a ‘shell’ not real ministries or
they’re ‘cyber ministries’ (Ministers that try to show they have a ministry or Network on
Social media, but in reality there is very little to show for this in real life!) These are ‘built’
on the flesh, not the Spirit.
They are what I call “Empire Builders”, not Kingdom builders.
Too many people are either appointing themselves as Apostles or simply think that they
are called to be Apostles based on a ‘concept’ or idea they think they have, of what that
means. This is very dangerous. (This goes for ALL the Fivefold Offices in terms of self-
appointment or appointments made without proper oversight.)
The first part is being called, but if we are genuinely called to an Office, as I’ve said, people around us that are seasoned will always recognise that calling in us. Sometimes even before we see it! (Be careful that you don’t get into ‘agreement’ with someone just because they think you are an Apostle yet they have no credibility or oversight over you or have had little or no input into your life before. That is a tie connected to the soulish realm, not the LORD.)
Unless you’ve walked with those who have a reputable cover that is proven, (that word
“reputable” can be found in 1 Tim 3:7), don’t call yourself something you are not.
The word says we must be above reproach as leaders.
If this is too difficult for us we shouldn’t even be contemplating ordination. I’m not saying
that means no mistakes; I’m saying we have grace that builds our character to be like Jesus, and be above reproach!
The body of Christ needs integrity and authenticity more now than ever before. If we
‘cheapen’ what the Word says in terms of these foundational Offices we produce
counterfeits! This pulls down the Offices that God has instituted in God’s Word.
Please be careful, Fivefold; do not throw the Offices around or be quick to lay hands on
people that cannot hold the weight of such an Office. Tested and proven first in the little
things. (1Tim 5:22)
Apostle Deborah Bell
#JustSaying #ILoveDGFC #Grateful #GraftedIn #BelongingWhereAllAreWelcomeAndHolySpiritMoves! #lgbtchristian #affirmingchurch #affirmingapostle